School has begun again, so I wanted to let you know my frenetic posting will slow down. You should slow down too. All that cooking's going to give you a crick in your neck. I'm going to pass on an easy to make recipe so you can cool your jets (ah, the clichés of the space-race era), grease your engines, and refill your wiper fluid… … …and the metaphor dies a horrible death.
Anyway, if you have a garden or a farmers' market, you know peppers are busting out all over. Turn the tide on them! Here's a pepper-busting recipe that you can munch with your buddies on a slow summer afternoon. We did it and our friend was mighty pleased. Super sweet and slightly smoky, that's the taste of good n' fresh fryin' peppers.
Fryin' Pepper Sammitch
a peck of peppers, the fryin' kind (see picture above)
some fresh mozzarella, mayonnaise, Vegenaise, or optional spread
some super-fresh bakery or home made bread, sliced (GF is fine with me)
1. Wash those there peppers.
2. Cut the stems off of those there peppers.
3. Slice yon fryin' peppers in half, length-wise from tip to tail.
4. Cut out those ribs from those peppers. Then rinse out the seeds in your friendly neighborhood sink.
5. Spray a nice mist of oil all over your fry pan.
6. Heat up your greasy ol' pan.
7. Fry up your peppers good and long on each side, on medium or medium low heat. Take your turner and press them down until they squeal like stuck pigs! Then move them around so they don't burn. Those fryin' peppers are like your babies. Treat them right.
8. Drain those there peppers on towel or paper towel, your choice, sugar pie.
9. You can eat them right away. Or you can store those peppers in the fridge, and then use them cold.
10. Time to Layer You a Sammitch. Catch this concept: A slice of bread. A slice of cheese or a slather of mayo/mayo substitute. A pepper.
A mouth.
A gullet.
An intestinal journey.
Repeat as desired.