18 May 2010

Pareve French Toast

To certify that food is kosher, you need professional training, but to buy kosher food you only need to know if it's dairy, meat, or neither (pareve). This is because of the Jewish rule that you cannot have both meat and milk at the same meal (the Torah says you shall not "cook a kid in its mother's milk"). You can't even mix them in your stomach. Foods that are pareve:

fruits and vegetables free of insects
eggs without blood spots that come from (not slaughtered) chickens
kosher fish (has fins and scales)

Kosher challah has to be pareve so that you can use it at either a dairy or a meat Shabbat dinner.
My whole life I've eaten dairy French toast made from leftover Shabbat challah. My mom uses the Joy of Cooking Recipe and fries the challah in butter. George and I switched months ago from milk to soy milk (plain Silk brand), so I tried out pareve French Toast—pretty much for no reason because I never eat meat anyway. Doug enjoyed this new version, and George I felt it was lighter and better.

Joy of Pareve Challah French Toast

grapeseed oil (spray can)
4 eggs, beaten
1 Cup plain soymilk
1/4 tsp. salt (I use a "lite" salt mix of potassium chloride and sodium chloride).
1/2 tsp. vanilla or rum
pareve challah, in 1 inch slices

Spray with grapeseed oil a fry pan, preferably cast iron. Heat it up on medium or medium low. Meanwhile mix eggs, soymilk, salt, and vanilla or rum in a wide shallow bowl. Quickly dip in a slice of challah, making sure to moisten the front, back, and sides. Let excess drip off and place in the fry pan. Repeat.

Cook slowly so that it cooks through without burning the surface. Serve hot with a side of warmed pure maple syrup and fresh strawberries.

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