10 September 2010

An Ecstatic Banana Delight

Oh ice cream, how you tempt me with your guilty pleasures. Packed with stolen milk, its excess fats and blended with G-d knows what thickeners... could ever there be a dessert so fair? Thus pondered the demoralized post dinner gathering. When along came Irreverent and said,
"Never fear, for I am here! While your troubles are deep and beyond compare my
vast stores of knowledge and endless innovation will wrest you from the caverns of the
dessert doldrums."
Thus commenced a great storm in the synapses of the mighty irreverent. With a tingle in the hippocampus and a shiver in the cerebral cortex, out sprang a long lost memory of a banana concoction from days of yore:
Once upon a autumn eve,
One fellow member of the humble abode
and grocery store clerk by trade
returned home from her noble toil
on the wheels she wearily rode
with many a bruised and bumpy banana,
and little else to eat,
'twas born the miraculous treat.

The recipe is as follows and is scaled for a single soul, but may be scaled twice or thrice free from adverse effects.

One (1) Frozen Banana

One (1) Tbsp. Peanut Butter
One Quarter (1/4) Cup frozen Blueberries

A scant dash almond or soy milk, or pure unfettered water.

The banana shall be chopped and forced to whirl amongst the other ingredients in the blender for a minute or two. The blender shall mightily protest, but lo! With scant use of moisture shall emerge a thick and spoonable treat surpassed by almost none. She who acquiesced to the frightening growl of a struggling blender with more and more milk created by her misdeeds a lowly smoothie. Listener take heed, avoid her terrible fate, and a noble frozen treat shall await.


Anonymous said...

Wow irreverent you are so pure and awesome.

Sarah said...

You are completely insane,, Irreverent, as always. But I'm going to go make that tomorrow for breakfast for it seemeth the most excellente of possible breakfaste foods.

Anonymous said...

Quite entertaining. When I read this, me thinks you should be working with words for your profession.

Sweet And Crumby said...

Thanks for making me laugh...I will not add too much milk...I swear! ---www.sweetandcrumby.com

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